Enrollment in the High Deductible PPO with the Health Savings Account (HSA) is now available to all Freelancers, regardless of your income tier.


    Edit your name, mailing address, email address or phone number.


    Download the 2025 California Freelance Enrollment Benefit Guide for New and Renewing Enrollees.


    Watch these short explainer videos for a complete overview of your benefits.


    Newly Eligible and Renewing Freelancers will receive a notice to enroll directly through Synergy's licensed benefits counselors or with Employee Navigator, an online enrollment portal new to the PHBP for 2020.


    Sign in to check your current Tier level based on your last qualification period, as well as your reported work for your current qualification period.


    Take advantage of mental and physical wellness programs, discounts and other perks!


The health-care marketplace is complicated. Skyrocketing premiums, soaring deductibles and increased out of pocket costs are the new normal.

But at the PHBP we have you covered.

When we launched this plan in 2007 we made a commitment to offer free, high quality insurance for our freelance workforce at no cost. Over a decade later, despite rising healthcare costs, we are still keeping that promise.

Read below to learn more.

In this section

  • All eligible Freelance employees will receive benefits on an annual basis at no cost. These benefits include:

    Medical (based on tier eligibility): Classic Premier PPO, Classic Plus PPO, CA Classic HMO, High Deductible Health Plan with Health Savings Account (HSA). All medical plans utilize the largest network of providers offered by Anthem Blue Cross and its affiliated Blue Shield networks where available.



    Short and Long-Term Disability Insurance

    $25,000 Basic Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment

    Employee Assistance Program

    Voluntary Benefits are available a la carte to all Freelancers and may be purchased separately. These voluntary benefits include:


    Critical Illness

    Hospital Indemnity

    Supplemental Life Insurance (Up to $1M in coverage)

  • Work 100 days per year * (“day” defined as a minimum of 8 hours, “year” as 12 consecutive months ), OR

    Earn $35,000 per year (as defined above).

    Only non-union commercial work in a covered job category for PHBP Participating Employers counts towards eligibility.

    Working for a non-participating production company? Encourage them to join - share this link.

    Music videos, TV, Features, webisodes, etc. are NOT included.

    You must re-qualify each year for continued coverage.

    Click here to check your work history.

    * Note: : All 12 month Qualification Periods Ending March 31, 2020 through February 28, 2021 have been extended to 17 months as part of the PHBP’s COVID-19 Relief Measures.

  • Your Income Tier will be determined by your total reported earnings in each Qualifying Period.

    “Reported Income” is the gross income paid on covered jobs, in covered job categories performed for Participating Employers, on which contributions were received by the Plan.”

    TIER 1 – Annual reported Income: Up to $49,999

    Available No Cost Medical Coverage: California Classic HMO -OR- High Deductible Health Plan w/ available tax advantaged Health Savings Account (HSA)

    TIER 2 – Annual reported Income: $50,000 - $109,999

    Available No Cost Medical Coverage: California Classic HMO -OR- High Deductible Health Plan w/ tax advantaged Health Savings Account (HSA)

    Available ‘Buy up’ Medical Coverage: Classic Plus PPO -OR- Classic Premier PPO

    TIER 3 – Annual reported Income: $110,000 and above

    Available No Cost Medical Coverage: California Classic HMO -OR- High Deductible Health Plan w/ tax advantaged Health Savings Account (HSA) -OR- Classic Premier PPO

    “Salary figures are stated for convenient reference only and eligibility is based on contributions actually received derived from such salary amounts.”

  • Only work in a Covered Job Category for a Participating Employer counts towards eligibility.

    Click here for a current list of Participating Employers.

  • Work in the following job categories counts towards PHBP eligibility, and includes all modifiers, adjectives, prefixes, suffixes or descriptive terms that may be added to the job title except “Post” or other modifiers which indicate work done in a Post Production capacity.

    Producer, Line Producer, Bidder

    Production Manager, Production Supervisor

    Production Coordinator, Asst. Production Supervisor, Compliance Assistant

    Production Assistant, PA

    Covid Compliance Manager

    Covid Compliance Coordinator

    Covid Compliance Assistant

  • Once you qualify for coverage, you will be sent an Eligibility Notice with enrollmetn instructions and a link to the current Enrollment Guide, also available at the top of this page.

    Coverage will begin the First of the month following a 60-day processing period after the qualifying event (the 100th day worked or the 35th thousandth dollar earned). Example: If you earn $35,000 or work the 100th day on April 17, the 60-day processing period is from April 17 – June 17, and coverage starts the 1st of the following month, in this case, July 1.

    All medical plan elections must be made by the effective date of coverage or the participant will be auto enrolled in the default HMO.

    If you wish to opt out of coverage, you must actively opt out on the enrollment platform or you will be auto enrolled in the HMO.

    If you are not eligible for continued coverage at the same tier level, you must elect a new medical plan available to your tier level. The HMO will be the default coverage if no eligible plan is selected.

    Your annual administrative fee must be paid.

    It may take the carrier up to 30 days from your coverage start date to send you your ID cards. See you Enrollment Guide for details.

    Anthem Blue Cross can also be reached at 800-759-3030.

  • If you are eligible for coverage, your insurance is free.

    If you are a Tier Two participant, you may choose to “buy up” to a different level of coverage. See your enrollment guide for details.

    All covered Freelancers must pay a $300 annual administrative fee upon enrollment and with each annual policy renewal. Failure to pay will result in the termination of benefits.

    The cost of dependent coverage is shown below.

  • Covered Freelancers can add their dependents:

    Dependents (spouse/domestic partner or children, children of spouse/domestic partner, children placed with you for adoption, all under age 26 ) can be added for $250 per month for the 1st Dependent, plus $100 per month for each additional dependent.

    Dependents can be added upon initial enrollment or annual renewals only.

    Exceptions are made for special “life events”, i.e. birth, marriage, adoption, involuntary cessation of a dependents’ prior coverage, etc. Example: a spouse/domestic partner’s current employer provided insurance ceases to exist. In this case, the soon-to-be formerly covered dependent can join PHBP without interruption.

    If you have a potential “life event” that could impact the enrollment period of your dependents, click here to notify the Plan Administrator.

    Proof of eligibility will be required: termination notice of prior coverage, marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.

    See the Summary Plan Description (SPD) and all Summary of Material Modifications (SMM) in the Documents and Resources section for more information regarding dependent eligibility.

  • To help you reach the 100-day eligibility threshold, you can bank days worked in excess of 100 per qualifying period for use in the next (only) qualifying period. The number of banked days credited towards eligibility will be capped at 50% of the total number of days needed for eligibility.

    Only qualifying work days for Participating Employers can be banked.

    All applicable banked days from your immediately preceding 12 month qualification period will be automatically added to your current day count at the conclusion of your qualifying period.

    If the sum of your current qualifying days and your applicable banked days is 100 days worked or more, you qualify for coverage.

    Click here to review your work history and Banked Days.

  • If your actual worked days plus applicable banked are are 50 days or more, you can “bridge” the gap between the sum of those days and the 100 days of work needed to re-qualify by making monthly payments equal to $10.18 per each day needed to bridge the gap.

    Example: You have 20 days banked from your previous qualifying year and worked 48 days in the current qualifying year, for a total of 68 days. That’s 32 days short of the 100 needed to re-qualify. The Bridge Payment would be 32 days x $10.18 per day, for a total of $325.76 per month.

    Bridge coverage will be Tier One coverage only.

    While participating in the Bridge program, the Participant will pay the full cost of dependent coverage each month.

    Bridge payments can be made for up to 12 months, or until you re-qualify by earning $35,000 or working 100 days in a consecutive year.

    Click here to contact the Plan Administrator to set up bridge payments. Bridge payments must be set-up PRIOR to the termination of your current coverage.

  • If your PHBP coverage is terminated for failure to re-qualify, you will be offered COBRA continuation coverage.

    You may pay the cost of your insurance premium plus a small administration fee in order to continue your PHBP coverage for up to 18 months.

    Click here to contact the Plan Administrator to request more information about COBRA continuation coverage.

  • References to or concerning Plan rules, terms, conditions and documents, including carrier insurance contracts, are intended as general statements for informational purposes only. Official plan documents, policies and certificates of insurance contain the details, conditions, maximum benefit levels and restrictions on benefits and in all cases the text of such documents shall control. See the “Documents and Resources” section of this website for more details.

    For complete eligibility rules, see the Summary Plan Description and accompanying amendments in the Summary of Material Modifications found in the Documents and Resources section of this website.

    Call BeneSys Administrators at 855-696-2909, ext. 8604 between 8am – 4pm PST.

    Email questions to